A) Four jobs I have had in my life
1. telemarketer
2. retail sakes
3. retail sales
4. body shop assisitant
B) Four movies I could watch over and over
1. Beaches
2. top gun
3. giant
4. anything with john wayne
C) Four places I have lived
1. hayes, LA
2. lake charles, LA
3. Iowa, LA
4. ***x***
D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. dirty jobs
2. house hunters
3. iron chef ( the original)
4. miami ink
E) Four places I have been on vacation:
1. colorado
2. texas
3. florida
4. arkansas
F) Websites visited:
1. Scrapjazz
2. scrapbook.com
3. noaa
4. yahoo
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Chinese
2. chicken dumplings
3. eggrolls
4. chinese
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. canada
2. missouri
3. florida
4. colorado
Four people I think might respond:
1. carrie
2. oscar
3. kristin
4. christy
I am with you on Top Gun - I could watch that over and over and never get tired of it.
Hi I am responding.
Nice to know you better.
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